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Closed on Sundays and Public holidays

Contact Us


Unit 1001, Crawford House,
70 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

About Premier Clinic

Premier Clinic has been established for more than ten years and is committed to offer high-quality medical services to the public. Starting from Primary Care, through close communication with our service users, we provide professional service in treatment, preventive care and coordination.

In response to our business expansion and increasing service demands, Premier Clinic now offers a wide range of Professional Service covering from general medicine, health check to Obstetrics and Gynecology, Urogynaecology, and skin laser surgery, etc.

Since our opening, we have been cooperating with experts in various specialties, aiming to provide one-stop medical services to make sure every service user are properly taken care of at stages such as physical examination, diagnosis and treatment, Admission to Hospital and rehabilitation care, and to minimize the anxiety and confusion caused by disease.

In addition, Premier Clinic pay special attention to teamwork. Our medical teams often communicate on different cases in order to understand the treatment needs of each service user and improve the overall service.

In terms of facilities, our Clinic is located in a prime location of Hong Kong’s central business district with close proximity to the Central MTR station to ensure excellent access to public transportation. Our Clinic is well decorated with specially designed independent and spacious waiting area, VIP zone, consultation rooms and treatment rooms to maintain privacy of our service users.

Thanks to the continuous efforts of our medical team and the trust and support of all parties, Premier Clinic made significant growth over the years. We promise to commit in the best quality, most professional and caring medical services for you and your family in the future.

Our Team

  • Dr. So Yung Pak, Dennis

    Dr. So Yung Pak, Dennis

  • Dr. Chan Wing Yin, Vivian

    Dr. Chan Wing Yin, Vivian

  • Dr. Yuen Ching Yi, Jenny

    Dr. Yuen Ching Yi, Jenny

Health Tips

  • (Available in Chinese version only) 營養保健產品,優質產品包括益生菌、NMN、改善心血管及護肝保健品等類別。全線產品由生產以至品質檢定程序均在挪威完成,並獲得挪威食物安全局(NFSA)認證,更加值得信賴。
  • (Available in Chinese version only) 正值炎夏,天文台不時發出酷熱天氣警告。進行戶外活動時若沒有做足預防措施,很容易出現中暑的情況!尤其臨近暑假,不少家庭都會趁假期全家總動員,前往主題樂園、泳灘等地遊玩。究竟我們可以如何預防中暑?萬一出現中暑症狀應如何處理?

  • (Available in Chinese version only) 「生蛇」由水痘帶狀疱疹病毒引致,患者脊柱神經連接的皮膚表面會出現呈帶狀的紅疹及水泡,引發灼熱和刺痛,還可能出現乏力、頭痛、腹痛及發燒等症狀,嚴重可致腦膜炎、失明等。故建議高風險人士接種「生蛇」疫苗,有效減低發病率及後遺神經痛!

  • (Available in Chinese version only) 眼睛是靈魂之窗,尤其對於愛美一族來說,若眼部附近突然出現黃斑,定必憂心不已。其實這些黃斑稱為黃斑瘤,幸而至今並無癌化的病例報告,也很少會影響視力。然而黃斑瘤呈黃色脂肪狀,確實有礙觀瞻,還是建議利用激光治療方法把該組織消除。

  • (Available in Chinese version only) 衞生署2023/24年度季節性流感疫苗「疫苗資助計劃」已於2023年9月28日展開,而「政府防疫注射計劃」、「季節性流感疫苗學校外展(免費)計劃」及「院舍防疫注射計劃」亦於2023年10月5日開始。專家籲幼童、長者及高風險人士儘早接種流感疫苗,預防冬季流感大爆發。

  • (Available in Chinese version only) 濕疹在香港非常普遍,是一種常見的慢性皮膚炎症,屬過敏性疾病,因個人免疫系統對某些物質產生過敏反應而起。此症可見於任何年齡人士,會引起皮膚痕癢、乾燥、出現紅疹等病徵,常見於面、頸、頭皮、身體及四肢皺摺部位。如有懷疑,應及早診治。

  • (Available in Chinese version only) 全球估計約有3成人或以上患有幽門螺旋桿菌,國際癌症研究機構亦將幽門螺旋桿菌界定為可引致胃癌的「第一類致癌物」── 即對人體有明確致癌性的物質。惟大部分患者感染後不一定有徵狀,建議及早診治,現時可透過簡單便捷的幽門螺旋桿菌吹氣測試診斷病情!

  • (Available in Chinese version only) 大腸癌篩查計劃是政府為沒有大腸癌病徵的人士而設的身體檢查,為鼓勵合資格人士接受檢測,以識別患者或高風險人士,以便及早發現和應對病情,減低癌變風險。參加者將透過大便隱血測試檢驗大便是否有肉眼難以察覺的微量血液,並根據結果考慮安排大腸鏡檢查。