(Available in Chinese version only) 無論是職場媽媽還是全職主婦,為了家庭總是不停付出。全科醫生蘇勇柏醫生於今期專欄集中談談全職媽媽的健康隱患,這份工作看似輕鬆自在,實際上包攬家中大小家務,一點也不容易,不時出現各種另類「職業病」呢!
Nine out of ten housewives have also suffered from various joint pains in the body, and knee joint problems such as degenerative arthritis (Knee Osteoarthritis) are common. Many housewives came to see a doctor because of knee joint pain. After consultation, they found that they all had a common habit: they often squatted down to wipe the table and floor, and even lifted heavy objects by themselves because they didn't want to trouble their family members. It wasn't until I went up and down the stairs that I became weak and weak, and my knee joint made a "clucking" sound. I didn't know the knee joint was showing signs of degeneration until I consulted a doctor.
In addition, finger joint problems such as "slingshot finger" are also "occupational diseases" of housewives that are rarely mentioned. This disease is medically called Stenosing Flexor Tenosynovitis (Stenosing Flexor Tenosynovitis). Stretching is smooth, it seems to be stuck when bending and straightening, and it is more likely to feel pain and even make a sound when forced to stretch. If left untreated, it may cause tendon atrophy and affect working ability. The medical community generally believes that this disease is related to frequent or excessive stretching and flexing of the fingers, causing strain and inflammation of the tendons and tendon sheaths. Housewives often use their hands repeatedly for washing, cooking, cooking, twisting towels, or washing dishes. If they use improper force for many years, it is easy to cause strain.
Housewives who love to cook like to choose ingredients by themselves, and often don’t hesitate to have one or two bags, and sometimes they will search around for daily necessities. These seemingly insignificant habits have unknowingly caused strain on the body. In addition to aggravating the pressure on their knees, frequent lifting of heavy objects will also cause long-term pressure on the abdomen; in addition, the pelvic floor muscles become more relaxed with age, causing the pelvic floor organs to lose support. Over the years, pelvic floor organ prolapse (commonly known as "uterus sagging”) risk. Housewives who have given birth many times, have "heavy" fetuses during pregnancy, and are obese are more likely to experience urine leakage due to the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles and the inability of the muscle tissue to lock the urethra normally under pressure.
- 避提重物增加腹部受壓,或令肌肉、關節損傷;外出購物時,可考慮帶備手推車輔助。如需搬提重物,切忌直接彎腰提舉,應先蹲下,保持腰背挺直,拿穩重物後再以大腿發力站起。
- 勤做骨盆底肌肉運動,減低產後因骨盆底肌肉鬆弛、體重增加而引致尿滲、骨盆底器官脫垂等婦科問題。
- 建立「三低一高」飲食習慣,即低脂、低糖、低鹽及高纖維,控制體重以減輕骨盆底肌肉壓力,降低患上尿滲、骨盆底器官脫垂的風險,同時預防出現心血管病、脂肪肝等其他都市病。
- 補充因年齡漸長而流失的營養,多吃蕃茄、三文魚、西蘭花等抗氧化食物,有助延緩身體機能老化;另外適量進食奶製品、深綠色蔬菜等高鈣食物,同時每天抽 15-20 分鐘時間外出走動,接觸陽光以補充維他命 D,有助鈣質吸收,預防中年女士常見的骨質疏鬆問題。
- 小病早治,例如長期咳嗽、便秘等會增加腹部壓力,如情況持續又不加以處理,可嚴重至影響骨盆底肌肉的支撐能力;忽視過往的關節勞損、舊患,隨時引致關節過早退化。
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